
Dark Passions of the Night

A fascinating stranger and a virtuous young lady undergo a fateful encounter at the opera. They hardly need words to know they are meant for one another. But not only does the young beauty’s fiancé stand in the way of their love, there is also a dark secret surrounding her beloved: is the man she loves with all her heart the terrible mass murderer who goes by the name of Jack the Ripper? She follows him on one of his night-time journeys - and finds that the truth is far worse than her most tragic nightmares. He is not Jack the Ripper, he is a vampire. She has to make the most difficult decision of her life - and she does not have much more time...

Autor: Heather O Lance
ca. 112 Seiten

Ab 26.95 EUR inkl. 7% MWSt
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(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)

Personen :

Not personalised characters:

Weibliche Hauptrolle

Sarah Cavendish, the heroine, comes from a wealthy family, and does not trust her fiancé Steven out of her sight.

Männliche Hauptrolle

Gregory, Lord Saville, the hero, a vampire by trade; is fascinated by Sarah and wants to take her from Steven, which he succeeds in doing.

Verlobter der weiblichen Hauptrolle

Steven Carmichael, the fiancé, player and playboy, who has no qualms about cheating on Sarah with her best friend.

Beste Freundin der weiblichen Hauptrolle

Liz Brighley, Sarah's best friend; she has an affair with Steven and dies at the end of the story.

(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)


Vampire story with phantasy background, two love scenes




(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)

Sample excerpt

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered and caressed her cheeks. “I would like to offer you a palace, silk sheets… Instead…” He grimaced in disgust. “You are so beautiful, so sweet, so pure,” he whispered and stroked her cheeks. “I wish I could offer you a palace, satin sheets…. instead…” He pulled a face of disgust.
Sarah gently pressed her fingers against his mouth. “Shhh,” she said. “We’re together. Isn’t that the only thing that counts?”
“You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I do,” she said in all seriousness. “I want you.”
He leant over her. His lips on her mouth felt like an electric bolt going through her. It was so sweet and so longed-for that she cried out with wonder. She snaked her hands around his neck, burying them in his soft blond hair, and opened her mouth under the ever fiercer urgency of his tongue. Their tongues caressed each other while their hands restlessly entwined. They finally released their hold on each other.
Sarah’s eyes shone. “I didn’t know that it was possible to be so happy.”
His eyes burned with tenderness, and his smile made his face appear years younger. Instead of an answer, he bent over her and began untying the laces of her bodice. Her innocence touched him and, at the same time, aroused his desire. His hands slid under the material of her red corselette and caressed her warm, vibrant skin. He swept the heavy cloth from her shoulders and freed her legs from her tangled petticoats. With a gentle swoosh, her dress fell to the floor. Sarah lay completely naked on the bed.
For a moment, Sarah thought she recognised her own reflection in the gleam of his eyes. His hands floated over her breasts, her ribs and her stomach, sending shivers across her whole body. Her nipples stood erect. Suddenly he withdrew and stood up.
Sarah looked on with wide eyes as he took off his jacket and neckerchief, followed by his shirt. She even forgot to breathe for a second.
“What is it, Baby?”
“Oh, it’s silly. It’s just…I’ve never seen a naked man before. I feel a little embarrassed,” she confessed hesitantly.
He laughed. “You don’t have to be embarrassed. It’s the most natural thing in the world. Look at me. Is there anything you see that you don’t like? Anything that you find repulsive?”
Her eyes swept over the ivory skin of his body, taking in his muscles and the sinews in his arms and shoulders, his hairless, almost boy-like chest and flat stomach. He looked like an elegant wood carving. When she had finished looking, her eyes returned to his face. A few strands of tousled hair fell into his eyes. He pushed out his lower lip to blow them out of the way with a smile. Sarah was overcome with a feeling of tenderness she had never known before. She held out her arms. “Come to me Gregory! I want to feel that you are real.”
He glided over to her on silent feet. Only the springs of the bed squeaked slightly. Their lips came together in increasingly passionate kisses as his hand slid down to her lap. And the undreamt-of passion robbed Sarah of her will.
“Relax, Baby,” he moaned. ”Don’t be tense, and I’ll teach you how to enjoy the pain.“
Sarah didn’t understand what he meant when he suddenly swung over to straddle her body. His hard body pressed her into the pillows, paralysing her. She let out a cry of surprise. His face appeared alien to her, and she could see his fangs shimmering in the darkness as he pressed her against him with increasing fervour. The smell of Cool Water mingled with an animal smell of sweat and desire, which befuddled her senses.
Gregory!” she cried. Then a burning pain seared through her quaking body and the next moment she felt his lips on her face.
He licked away her tears, while his teeth grazed over her sensitive skin, echoing his passion. “Ssh, ssh…” he panted between kisses.
Bemused, she groped her hand down towards the burning at her centre point. A warm liquid was running stickily down the inside of her thigh. “Greg, I’m bleeding!” He hungrily kissed her fingers, licking them clean, and kissed her trembling lips. His eyes radiated pure desire. “You are a woman now. A beautiful woman. And I promise you will feel no pain the next time.”
She nestled close to him. “A woman,” she repeated dreamily. “Your woman. The vampire’s wife.”

Birgit Erwin

Birgit Erwin, alias Heather O’Lance, geboren 1974 in Aachen, studierte Anglistik und Germanistik in Heidelberg und Southampton und war nach ihrem Studium als PR-Assistentin in Frankfurt am Main tätig. Heute arbeitet sie als Gymnasiallehrerin für Deutsch, Englisch und Ethik in Karlsruhe. Nachdem sie im Wurdack Verlag mehrere fantastische Romane veröffentlicht hatte, widmete sie mit ihrem Co-Autor und Ehemann Ulrich Buchhorn dem mittelalterlichen Friedrichshafen eine Krimitrilogie, deren Bände Die Herren von Buchhorn, Die Gauklerin von Buchhorn und Die Reliquie von Buchhorn im Gmeiner Verlag erschienen sind.


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Sie brauchen nicht alle diese Möglichkeiten zu nutzen – für jede Angabe können Sie auch einfach den Vorgabewert verwenden.

Weibliche Hauptrolle

The first name of the young Lady is
304 x
The colour of the young Lady's hair is
2 x
The colour of the young Lady's eyes is
4 x
The colour of the young Lady's clothing is
3 x
The young Lady's favourite perfume is
1 x
Term of endearment used for the young Lady is
15 x

Männliche Hauptrolle

The first name of the vampire is
95 x
The colour of the vampire's hair is
3 x
The colour of the vampire's eyes is
4 x
The colour of the vampire's clothing is
4 x
The vampire's favourite perfume is
3 x
Term of endearment used for the vampire is
5 x
The favourite bar of the vampire is called
5 x

Verlobter der weiblichen Hauptrolle

The first name of the young Lady's fiancé is
92 x

Beste Freundin der weiblichen Hauptrolle

The first name of the young Lady's lady-friend is
90 x


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